Hummmm I'm sure you can do it with a little help.Maybe ask King because he is really good at Oc or ask Val to help you model an idea.With some work I'm sure you will be able to pull it out because you already have a nice coloring and lineart style.
Haha ,I knew you would be like NOOOESSS due to to hardness of coloring our close pose picture.Well for the record I saw during one month an unstopable series of Gijinkas while I couldn't draw due to exams.
So everyone started to be a Gijinka.My gijinka sensei gave my my gijinka test and I had to solve it and focus because,it didn't had nothing to do with gijinkas of course.So I was like( Val is so going to be drawing Gijinkas for the end of the year for this *Shakes imaginary fist XD).So yeah ,you probably gona be drawing gijinkas for the end of the year if u don't break the evil curse bwhahaha.
About the pokemon,I will go for Dragonair:
Something like that :3 ,here is the gijinkas curse formula:
Time + drawing(gijinkas(you))+ the number of uncolored gijinkas = my will to draw you gijinka curses.
But I count as anti curse a Gijinka picture for me of course :3.
Just gona buy you some time,gona start drawing her right now XD.
Yeeees haha l¿many comments..kinda got happy while replying XD....hahahaha thank you for all your comments Angel!!...wait the second art of the curse??? o___o noooes hahah XDDDDD
mmm I'm just wondering...what pokemon would you like me to design as gijinka??? I want to give you a piccy for being such a sweet friend ^_____^
Wow that is a lot of comments XD ,humm more Gijinkas well looks like you pretty much got it deserved!!!!!!
Second Gijika curse incoming!!!!!!!!!
The only way to break the curse if finishing the coloring bwhahahahaha.So maybe the curse pics might start piling up and up ,until you got a pile you can climb and yell:
*Reads other comments* I guess I'm the only one slightly unnerved by him, then? <____>
Very creative design, ohohoho. He looks intimidating. He could be Lux's half-brother or something.. kinda.
XDDDDD You're welcome! XD I think if he was introduced into PGR, all the girls who see him, would go to him and fall for him instantly, even if they had a boyfriend! XD Even Shupple would XDDD
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Me: Wow you made him better looking than I thought!!! :D I love the design and you got his evilness right!!! :D I love it great job on designing him and thanks for at least doing the bandana! Everything looks wicked and I am loving his details. You can tell he is evil! But if looks could kill hehehe!! Oh man and as for will find out with time!! :D
Lux: NO JUST TELL HIM TO GO TO HELL!!! >( He doesn't need to show up...
Last edited by Iruka Sensei at 3:25:10 PM EDT on March 25, 2010.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Yeah Dragonair is cute
I like Vulpix. And Growlithe. And Arcanine. And Magnemite.
To name a few (:
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
Well you will have to tell me which one u like :3.
I like dragonair ,it's cute pokemon :3.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/01/10 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Pikachu is way too cliche.
Not necessarily new, but one that isn't used as much.
Maybe one of my favorites
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/29/10 | Reply
Hummm pokemon like Picachu or somehting more new?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/28/10 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Haha thanks
But I'm not looking for a permanent gijinka oc.
I'd just want to draw a couple pokemon.
Thanks though. (:
Last edited by arcticwulf at 10:10:53 PM EDT on March 28, 2010.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/28/10 | Reply
Hummmm I'm sure you can do it with a little help.Maybe ask King because he is really good at Oc or ask Val to help you model an idea.With some work I'm sure you will be able to pull it out because you already have a nice coloring and lineart style.
I can help also if u want me to :3.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/28/10 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Haha yeah
I've always wanted to try making them but just never got around to it lol
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/28/10 | Reply
Gijinka gijinka!
Haha ,I knew you would be like NOOOESSS due to to hardness of coloring our close pose picture.Well for the record I saw during one month an unstopable series of Gijinkas while I couldn't draw due to exams.
So everyone started to be a Gijinka.My gijinka sensei gave my my gijinka test and I had to solve it and focus because,it didn't had nothing to do with gijinkas of course.So I was like( Val is so going to be drawing Gijinkas for the end of the year for this *Shakes imaginary fist XD).So yeah ,you probably gona be drawing gijinkas for the end of the year if u don't break the evil curse bwhahaha.
About the pokemon,I will go for Dragonair:
Something like that :3 ,here is the gijinkas curse formula:
Time + drawing(gijinkas(you))+ the number of uncolored gijinkas = my will to draw you gijinka curses.
But I count as anti curse a Gijinka picture for me of course :3.
Just gona buy you some time,gona start drawing her right now XD.
Beware the curse of the Gijinkas(hugs)!
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/28/10 | Reply
Hahaha ,seems you also like Gijinkas Artic :3.
Last edited by AngelBest Dream at 1:50:03 AM EDT on March 28, 2010.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/27/10 | Reply
Your welcome (:
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/26/10 | Reply
Thank you!!!!!!!

Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/26/10 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Yeeees haha l¿many comments..kinda got happy while replying XD....hahahaha thank you for all your comments Angel!!...wait the second art of the curse??? o___o noooes hahah XDDDDD
mmm I'm just wondering...what pokemon would you like me to design as gijinka??? I want to give you a piccy for being such a sweet friend ^_____^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/26/10 | Reply
He looks great!
I really like the pose. It just fits that smile perfectlyyyyy!
Like I don't even know lolol
He looks cool. Nice job! :D
The Insane Writer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/26/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Haha, I just noticed that too! XD They never really talked to each other. XD
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/26/10 | Reply
Wow that is a lot of comments XD ,humm more Gijinkas well looks like you pretty much got it deserved!!!!!!
Second Gijika curse incoming!!!!!!!!!
The only way to break the curse if finishing the coloring bwhahahahaha.So maybe the curse pics might start piling up and up ,until you got a pile you can climb and yell:
Grawwllll Hammsstaaa Gijinka!!!!
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
I have some ideas :D
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
I just realized that Shupple and Lux never actually have talked to one another??? O_O
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
XDD I wonder what she would do...really I haven't think on that XP
Hoom: doing about what?
Me: you know what
Hoom: Oh..that...*keeps in silence looking at the distance*
Me: wonder what she is thinking....
The Insane Writer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Shupple: O.o -.- I've thought I've always had good taste or whatever... Oh well..... *being hugged and thrown around* O.o
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Yes Hoom you will know after you give him a beating haha
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Lux: SHUPPLE!!!! I KNEW YOU HAD GOOD TASTE!!! *hugs her and spins her around* YAY!!! hehehehehe!!!! ^////^
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Hoom: *tilts head to the side seeing Lux getting away* Well you still need to tell me the story with details..I guess...if you want ^^'
The Insane Writer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Me: *doesnt know what to say*
Shupple: Both of you are really good looking. *wishes she didn't say that but said it anyways*
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Lux: I am calm.....*sulks again* you think he is better looking than I am???
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Lux: *gulps* Opps I said too much...*skips away*....O.o"
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Hoom: we are not traitors Lux!! So he was the responsible for those scars...
The Insane Writer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Woah, Lux. Calm down just a little... And those look painful.....
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Lux: DAMN IT HE I EVIL!!! *points to the scars on his back* THESE ARE FROM HIM!!!! ;A;
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Thank youuuuu Nae!!!! *glomps*
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Thank you Poochy!! XD
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Summer Daydream:
hehehehe thanks for the comment ^^ I'm wondering what is his raltion with Lux *tic on eye* I want to know soo badly ;A;
The Insane Writer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Yeah, he doesn't really seem pleasant. Seems kinda evil. XD Though I do think he might get some people going when he arrives, I guess *shrugs*
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Better watch your words because he is coming...though he isn't as pleasent as you make him out to be
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
LOL Yeah is gonna pop into PGR when we get back to the mansion :D LOL The drama will be great!!! :3
Lux: YOU GUYS ARE ALL TRAITORS!!!! ;A; I am the only one that is suppose to be hot for a Luxray not him....*cries in a corner*
Last edited by Iruka Sensei at 8:38:11 PM EDT on March 25, 2010.
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Greeaaaat job Val! :D
Now I can image him in Lux's story!
You're getting more and more better everyday!
Improvements are great! :)
♥ Nae
Estelle: . . . O//O Handsome... reminds me of Lux somehow...
Last edited by Naomi Bear at 6:27:06 PM EDT on March 25, 2010.
Patchwork Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
x3 He looks really nice and I love the coloring and his design... Wait! So dose this mean that Xio WILL eventually pop up in PGR?! Awesome!!!!
*Lux come out of no where* DX NO IT'S NOT!!!!
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
*Reads other comments* I guess I'm the only one slightly unnerved by him, then? <____>
Very creative design, ohohoho. He looks intimidating.
He could be Lux's half-brother or something.. kinda.animelover7310
The Insane Writer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
XDDDDD You're welcome! XD I think if he was introduced into PGR, all the girls who see him, would go to him and fall for him instantly, even if they had a boyfriend! XD Even Shupple would XDDD
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Kratos Cruxis:
^______^ thank you! KC!...o___o''' *watches the shot*
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Thank you so much!
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Yeiiii I'm happy you liked him XD sure you don't want to change anything?? ._.
And...nuuuuu I wanted information wawawawa ;A;...guess I'll resign until he appears
Kratos Cruxis
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
XD he's kinda hot actually *is shot by Lux* x_x;;;;
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Me: Wow you made him better looking than I thought!!! :D I love the design and you got his evilness right!!! :D I love it great job on designing him and thanks for at least doing the bandana! Everything looks wicked and I am loving his details. You can tell he is evil! But if looks could kill hehehe!! Oh man and as for will find out with time!! :D
Lux: NO JUST TELL HIM TO GO TO HELL!!! >( He doesn't need to show up...
Last edited by Iruka Sensei at 3:25:10 PM EDT on March 25, 2010.
The Insane Writer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
Dang! He's cute and sexy! XDD X3333 Fantastic job, vdr-chan! ^^